
Moor House School

Moor House School specialises in helping children and young people with speech & language difficulties to develop the skills and confidence they require to live independent lifestyles outside of the school environment.

At WebRelief, we use technology to take the pain away from your existing processes.  Most recently, we have applied this thinking to the education sector through the delivery of a project for Moor House School in Surrey.

In order to track and measure student progress, the Occupational Therapy department at Moor House School developed a tool called the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE TM which measures a student's ability to demonstrate their competence in fulfilling ever more challenging life skills.

The Challenge


Whilst the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE TM was acknowledged as a highly effective tool, there were a number of process based limitations which could be resolved or improved through the effective use of technology.  Moor House School commissioned WebRelief as their technical partner to help them achieve this. Specifically, we were asked to look at the following areas:

Compliance with GDPR policy


Previously, measurements of student progress were captured using excel spreadsheets.

By creating a secure online portal, WebRelief was able to password protect the WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE TM tool and accompanying student data whilst adhering to industry standards for user authentication.


As well as being secure, the student data and reports are now much more accessible to parents who, in line with GDPR policy, can request their children's data be made available to them within 24hrs.

Managing the integrity of student data


As well as making sure student data is secure, the online product can also protect the accuracy and integrity of that data.


Our user experience architects and designers were able to design a platform that made it easy to display historical performance and commentary, allowing teachers and therapists to understand student progress over time.


Different access rights created tighter controls on who could update student data whilst the login process provides the school with the ability to attribute updates to specific Occupational Therapists or Teachers.


Rules have been applied to ensure students complete tasks sequentially as intended, it's not possible for over eager therapists to fast track students in to completing more advanced levels before they have demonstrated other necessary skills first.



The new online tool can quickly generate reports on student performance by individual, age and school and these reports can be simply exported to form part of a consolidated report generated for a student across a number of different areas of the curriculum.

Driving efficiency


By creating a product that is easy to use and maintain, we are also helping to drive efficiency which ultimately means teachers and therapists have more time to spend with students.

How can we help you?


Are your student reporting processes time consuming and or manual?


Are you worried your data capture processes are not compliant with the latest GDPR policies?


Are you frustrated that reports for students are created in lots of different locations on lots of different platforms making it hard to consolidate information?


Do you think technology can be used to help you in your school but you're not sure who to approach?


If your answers to any of these questions is "yes" or you want to find out more about the Moor House School WHEEL OF INDEPENDENCE TM project. Get in touch for a no-strings chat by contacting Matt Puddephat on 07375 021 710 or

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